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Contact Lenses

Contact lens fitting is an art and with Dr. Thompson's experience of over 15 years, he provides customized service with careful consideration of each patient's unique needs (i.e., curvature of the cornea, position of the eyelids and overall eye surface health, etc.) during the selection and fitting process.

There is a contact lens solution for almost every vision problem such as high powers, astigmatism and even bifocal needs. We carry a wide array of the latest and greatest in different contact lens brands.

A new generation of "super permeable" contact lenses called silicone hydrogel lenses represent a breakthrough over traditional soft contact lens materials. They are healthier because silicone allows much more oxygen to pass through the lens resulting in better overall eye health. Recent studies show silicone hydrogel lenses deliver 3-5 times the oxygen to the cornea compared to their conventional counterpart. Advantages of silicone hydrogel lenses include: less build up, less drying, lower risk for infection, ease in handling due to increased rigidity and much lower incidence of complications with extended/continuous wear use.

Types of contact lens exams we offer:

Soft Contact Lenses

By far the most comfortable and popular contact lenses available today are soft contact lenses, made of water absorbing materials called hydrogels. Because of the high water content, these contact lenses are soft, flexible and extremely easy to wear. Soft contact lenses come in many versions and are available for daily wear, extended wear, or as disposables.

Daily-Wear Contact Lenses

Daily-wear disposable contact lenses are a type of soft lenses that are designed to be worn during the day and discarded nightly. Much more convenient and lower maintenance than other types of contact lenses, disposable lenses are a popular choice for many contact lens wearers.

Extended-Wear Contact Lenses

Extended-wear contact lenses can be worn both daily and overnight for longer periods of time. While some extended wear contact lenses are FDA approved for one to two weeks of continuous wear, others can be worn up to 30 days. Available as either gas permeable or soft contact lenses, an extended-wear contact lens prescription offers the convenience of not having to frequently remove your contact lenses for maintenance along with the benefit of waking up to clear, crisp vision. However, in the absence of proper care, extended-wear lenses may pose a higher risk of infection.

Rigid Gas-Permeable Lenses

More rigid and durable than soft contact lenses, rigid gas-permeable (RGP) contact lenses allow a healthy flow of oxygen to reach the eye. More resistant to lens deposits than soft contact lenses, RGP lenses do not need to be replaced as often and are less likely to harbor bacteria. Though initially not as comfortable as soft lenses, due to the ability to retain their shape, RGP lenses can provide crisper, clearer vision.

Toric Contact Lenses

Toric contact lenses are specially designed contact lenses used to help correct astigmatism. Typically, available as soft contact lenses, some toric contact lenses also come in a rigid gas-permeable version.

Bifocal and Multifocal Contact Lenses

Bifocal contact lenses contain two prescriptions in each lens to improve near and far vision for individuals affected by refractive errors and age-related presbyopia. Multifocal contact lenses have more than one lens power to provide clear vision for objects at multiple distances. While bifocal contact lenses contain two distinct segments with different prescriptions, multifocal contact lenses transition gradually between lens powers.


Monovision offers an alternative approach for individuals who may be having difficulty getting used to bifocal or multifocal contact lenses. In these cases, single vision lenses are worn in each eye with one correcting for distance and the other correcting for near vision

Tinted or Cosmetic Contact Lenses

For individuals seeking a new look, contact lenses are available to correct vision and to 
enhance or change one’s natural eye color.


Your vision is in the very best of hands at our office. From assessing the health of your eyes to prescribing and accurately fitting you with just the right pair of contact lenses and instructing you in the proper methods of care, our eyecare professionals are with you every step of the way.

Our Location

4505 W. Charleston Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89102
(702) 822-2202

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